Sample drawings made with the OmegaCAD ELEKTRO system
The plan sheets of the First plan and the inspection of the identification system |

First plan page, A3, in resolution of 100 dpi |

Current path logical plan page 1, A3, 100 dpi |

Current path logical plan page 2, A3, 100 dpi |

Current path logical plan page 3, A3, 100 dpi |

Current path logical plan page 4, A3, 100 dpi |

Current path logical plan page 5, A3, 100 dpi |

Device table_1, A3, 100 dpi |

Device table_2, A3, 100 dpi |

Cabel table, A3, 100 dpi |

Layout plan 1, A3, 100 dpi |

Layout plan 2, A3, 100 dpi |

Mounting plan - Device attachement plan 1, A3, 100 dpi |

Mounting plan - Device attachement plan 2, A3, 100 dpi |

Mounting plan - Terminal block connection plan 1, A3, 100 dpi |

Mounting plan - Terminal block connection plan 2, A3, 100 dpi |

Mounting plan - Cabel connection plan 1, A3, 100 dpi |

Single line plan page 1, A3, 100 dpi |

Single line plan page 2, A3, 100 dpi |

Single line plan page 3, A3, 100 dpi |

Single line plan page 4, A3, 100 dpi |

General enginnering plan page 1, A3, 100 dpi |

General engineering plan page 2, A3, 100 dpi |

General engineering plan page 3, A3, 100 dpi |

Sample drawings made with OmegaCAD WINDOWS Base package
Sanitary engineering: Heating, exhaust and ventillation systems, water supply systems
Complete drawing, 1050x594 mm, M=1:50, in resolution of 30 dpi |

Magnified detail of a caloric centre, A3, M=1:50, 112 dpi |

Magnified detail of a ventillation system, A3, M=1:50, 112 dpi |

Water supply system vertical piping plan, 1050x594, M=1:50, resolution of 30 dpi |

Water supply system, a detail from a vertical piping plan, M=1:50, 100 dpi |

Building electricity
Complete ground plan 1, 1020X297 mm, M=1:50, in resolution of 30 dpi |

Ground plan 1 detail, specific dimension, M=1:1, 75 dpi |

Complete ground plan 2, size A2, M=1:100, in resolution of 52 dpi |

Ground plan 2 detail, M=1:100, 100 dpi |

Building single line plan teljes, 1050x594 mm, M=1:1, 40 dpi |

Building single line plan, detail, M=1:1, 70 dpi |

Public works planning
Site plan of rain precipiation sewerage, 800x340 mm, M=1:1000, resolution 38 dpi |

Detail of rain precipiation sewerage, A3, M=1:1000, 150 dpi |

Water supply junction detail plan, A4, 105 dpi |

Traffic plan, A3, M=1:1000, 75 dpi |

Other planning
Worm shaft, A4, resolution 105 dpi |

Network on energetics, A3, resolution 75 dpi |
